Originally Posted by kevins2
I'm running an MSD system and timing is 18/35. Starts easily, no detectable detonation. I do get run-on so got in the habit of giving it a bit of clutch when turning it off.
Kevin - my old Corvette used to run on when trying to shut it down. The problem I had was the cam was big enough and idle vacuum so low that my primary throttle plate was resting above the idle slots to achieve a 850 - 900 rpm idle - which was also making it unresponsive to idle mixture adjustments. I finally did the old Hot Rodders trick of drilling a hole in each idle plate butterfly to allow a bit more air to pass and that allowed me to close the primary plate to where it rested at mid-point on the idle fuel slot at a reasonable idle speed. I was able to get normal idle mixture adjustment response after this also.
Instead of drilling the holes I probably could have opened the secondary throttle plates slightly with the adjustment screw on the underside - to allow a bit more air to pass at idle and also allow closing the primary plate to where it was in the proper position with the idle fuel slots.
This adjustment and keeping the idle speed below 900 rpm pretty much took care of my run on.