Originally Posted by RodKnock
Dr. Bob Gingold is one of the most famous and esteemed original Cobra owners and he lives in FL. He's owned his 1960's Cobra for over 40 years. He has ZERO to do with the owner of alloycars.com.
If true, and Evan did visit Dr. Bob, then I'm assuming it was to look through his extensive NOS parts inventory.
Maybe the visit to Dr Bob was Evan's wake up/real talk/hard look in the mirror... He does not have an original, authentic but a beautiful recreation of a 1960s Cobra? For him to quit and sell his Cobra, some trauma must have happened recently?
Does he need money? Divorce?
Where is Mister Mustang? He usually blasts sellers for ridicilous asking price but no comment to Evans price? Hmmmm.