Originally Posted by 1ntCobra
I suspect that certain posters like RodKnock and JoesGarage will continue commenting frequently enough that this thread will be hundreds or thousands pages long. That way even though Evan was banned, he probably has the last laugh knowing that some people can't stop talking about him and his car on Club Cobra. 
If Evan receives some small (or large) measure of satisfaction from this thread, then I'm glad that I could provide it to him. And it sounds like he could use it too.
For the record, this thread would have died an earlier death, but not for folks who post about auctions of 289 FIA's and slabsides, for example, when Evan's is a 427SC car and who also post that I and others have sour grapes about something. I don't. I just enjoy everyone's company here, except for the NYC ding-dong with ADHD.
If Evan gets his $250,000, then hallelujah. Honestly, at this point, the car probably needs a new caretaker anyway. And ultimately, only he and his wife will know what the heck he/they got anyway.