Are you by chance confusing ENGLISH EXCALIBURS , with U.S., FARGO EXCALIBURS - NOT even the same two cars. And yes the firewalls were Slightly different . These were modified to fit the EXTREME EPA side pipes and exhaust system.
For those that don't know the LEFT bank came out and down, hugged the motor with a "CAT" , then proceeded out the right side going into the Right Sidepipe. The RIGHT side did just the opposite.
PS European Excaluburs go way, way back in time. They had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO ASSOCIATE A CR's COBRA. The European Excaliburs along with ORIGINAL AC COBRAS quit selling inside the U.S. (Along with the OPEL GT) simply because they could not meet NSI or EPA rules for that time. And that's today's 2-cents worth.
"CYCLEGUY55" IF you start quoting people you should dig all the facts out first! I'm sure all the "USA EXCALIBUR" owners, especially Excalibur owners right here are rolling eyes and shaking heads about now. Notice the last word in "your" link....EUROPE----NOT FARGO!!
Last edited by Double Venom; 03-16-2016 at 03:21 AM..