Originally Posted by Mark IV
Very nice! We would like to offer these as an accessory! Is this the "surprise" that Ross is waiting for at my PO box?
Glad you like them! Yes, those are the items at your PO Box.
OK, OK, in the interest of advancing the popularity of these cars, I'll offer the Lucas fuse panel covers for sale. Until I get sued by Lucas
MK IV, I'd check your PO Box, and examine the 2 standoff assemblies that come with each cover, you will have to make those. They are easy to copy, and it will be more cost effective if you do them vs. paying me to do them. I'll supply the cover (painted) and with qty 2 brass thumb nuts and qty 2, threaded inserts for the fuse block.
I will supply a drawing to make the standoffs, and easy mount instructions for anyone else who would like a cover. They are very durable, and will accept engine bay heat easily without degrading.
The more orders I get, the cheaper the part will be for you all.
PM me over the next week, and at the end of it I'll email you worst case/best case pricing depending on orders taken. Regardless, they are very reasonable. It makes all the work to create them worth it, vs. making just a couple.