I have a lift so its easy to do the work. I'm aware of that modification and my car doesn't have the extra bolt. I was tapping more than "a little harder "with no movement. I might give it another go at some other point in time but its not a priority right now.
Originally Posted by ACademic
You just have to tap it harder.
Seriously though, the more loose you get the bulkhead bracket, the easier that hoop comes out. The long down side of the hoop has a slight bend around 6" toward the end. It's that bend that makes it very snug unless the bracket is wobbly.
One last item to check. A common "fix" (safety enhancement) to the SPF was to drill a hole in the hollow short leg and into the middle of the solid stud it fits over. Then tap and insert a bolt there to keep it stable in the event of a rollover. You can see/feel for that from above the left rear tire if you jack up the rear (to create space as the suspension sags). If your car has that modification, then no wonder why it won't budge!