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Holy Cow!!
Wow, I didn't expect to open this can of worms with a simple question. Unfortunately it seems that people behind a keyboard have no filter. Its a lot harder to speak your mind when you are face to face with someone than sitting behind a keyboard. Why, because you realize emotions are involved and there are ramifications for what you say and do. One of the reasons I hate the internet. Keith, I am sorry that this simple question opened the door to these kinds of comments. I will be giving you a call for an engine quote this week. I know that your reputation precedes any type of failed internet links or snarky comments someone may post online (especially someone who doesn't even own a cobra). Rest assured there are people out there that still like to communicate with a phone call and a handshake and who understand a well earned reputation is something that goes deeper than a simple failed link or a downed website...which is why I asked about your company. I knew someone with a positive experience doing business with you would know how to get a hold of you.