Not Ranked
What "again"...? If you know the answer, then why not offer it? instead of firing up the flame-thrower? It's not like I really care one way or the other - I stated clearly (or so I thought) that I was just curious...
Thanks for your prompt, but utterly uninformative reply.
I read every past post about this car in this forum, and on the SAAC forum.
From what I've read, I can conclude that either:
A) CSX3016 is (or was) owned by Anthony Boosalis (as recently 2007) and was painted blue, or
B) a "different" CSX3016 was restored to Sebring Silver on the New York several years AFTER the Boosalis video was shot, or
C) The Blue car in the Anthony Boosalis video is the same car as the silver car that was offered in 2014 at the Kissimee auction... But is not the same car that was offered by Exotic classics back in 2009...
D) CSX3016 is actually still a scrapped frame sitting beneath an old ford drag car body in some overgrown backlot out in BFE, or
E) CSX3016 was destroyed in the Bob Grossman wreck, and is not considered salvageable
All I'm asking is: Which one is it?
- Robert
Last edited by moore_rb; 04-13-2016 at 09:10 PM..