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Old 04-14-2016, 07:57 AM
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Yes, I read all those posts. The posts from Ned Scudder, and LMH cleared up much of my confusion, except for my original question (which I guess I didn't state clearly enough)

My question is: Is the Silver car that was offered in Syosset in 2013 , and offered again by Mecum in Kissimee 2014, the same physical car as the blue one that was featured in the Anthony Boosalis video from 2007?

That is such a monumentally simple question, that it boggles me that someone would fire up the flame-thrower over the fact that I dared to ask it.

I know -- it's utterly stupid of me to even ask for clarification regarding the anthology of an automobile with a suspicious history (actually, CSX3016 has a very clearly documented history to me- It was destroyed in a wreck in the rain during a race at Watkins Glen, and was dismantled and parted out after that.- That should be the end of the story on that car (IMHO )

and honestly, I don't need an answer about this NEW anthology with the car (or cars), because as I stated before, I don't really care; but this CSX3016 story reads like a crime novel that jumps from chapter9 (Anthony Boosalis shoots a video with a Blue Cobra he calls CSX3016) to chapter11 (Some dealer in NY offers a Silver car for sale in New York that he calls CSX3016)...

All I needed was a minor clarification on whether chapter 10 in the story involved the blue car from the video travelling from California to New York, and being re-painted silver?

That's it. I wasn't asking for drama. I wasn't asking if anyone committed fraud, I wasn't asking for "Perry Mason" or "Groundhog day", and I sure as hell wasn't asking to be called a troll by some pompous "gentleman" in Las Vegas who decided that I should just "Accept that there is no Chapter 10, the novel was written without chapter 10 on purpose - and you're an idiot for asking questions about it"
- Robert

Last edited by moore_rb; 04-14-2016 at 08:27 AM..
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