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Replicas are not fair to paying dpectators
Allowing replicas to race alongside originals are a slap in the face to someone who pays $60 or so to come to a vintage race. They expect to see real cars built in the original era. I remember I went to a historic race in Chicago where the Ferrari P4 racing was built on a Boxer or some such. I am happy if Goodwood is locking out Jag's new/old style lightweights. Shelby got hounded by the DMV in Calif. for resurrecting some old chassis numbers --completing cars that had been assigned chassis numbers in the Sixties--and now here's Jaguar doing it out in the open and (almost) getting away with it. If Jag had succeeded, I can see Mercedes building more 300SLRs, Ferrari building more P3/4's--whatever car there's a customer for