Actually, my office has relocated our Tulsa functions to Denver and I have been training new employees. Effective June 24 I will be retired an have a lot more time to devote to this build. But the good news today is I fired the coyote for the first time. In spite of all my careful wiring only half of my gauges work. The plan was to fire it up yesterday when I turned on the ignition and charged up the fuel system I had gas pouring out of my fuel line. I put about a gallon on the floor in no time.
Got everything cleaned up and hosed out the garage and let it air out over night. Today when I turned on the key there was no drama just the sweet sound of a brand new coyote coming to life.
This week I will find out why my tech, fuel, gauge, etch. is not working.
On another note we are re designing the windshield and it is almost done. Hopefully I can post pictures of the newly configured windshield (that is exactly like the original) and a video of the start. Things should start moving a little faster in a few weeks. 10 and 12 hour days are the norm lately just trying to get these new collage grads up to speed in the
oil and gas business. He real world is a lot different than classroom theory. ☺