Originally Posted by patrickt
I remember how careful I was pulling that circlip off, because I knew I would drop it. I had a sheet under it all and pulled it off with needle nose pliers. If there were any holes in the ends of the circlip, they would be damn small holes. I can't imagine trying to get the ends of pointy pliers in to holes that small. If I did, I'm sure the moment I pulled it off I'd hear a "sproingggg" type noise and that circlip would rocket off in to the corner of the garage somewhere and be lost forever.
Yup. I have been there. They are "press-on, press off" little buggers and can cause some frustration at 10 pm when you lose one and thought you were almost finished! Now, before I try a project I look at all that stuff and go buy spares of all the things I know I will lose along the way. Better for my stress level and probably my marriage.