Originally Posted by DanEC
It's a little more complicated than just what to do with the ERA. It's what to do with the ERA, the 66 Corvette, the 67 Plymouth GTX and the Lightning Pickup - all of which reside in a 25 x 25 garage along with 6 shelf units, 3 tool chests, 2 work benches, and assorted drill presses, hydraulic press, parts washers, jacks, jack stands, and oh yeah - the 4-post lift. Our other slightly small garage can catch some of the stuff like the benches, shelves and jacks but it's already got our daily drivers in it and my wife is like - do what you want but my car stays in the garage. And it doesn't have a high rise door so the 4-post lift doesn't work in it. With storms, hail, torrential rain (we have had at least 4 - 5inch plus monsoons this year already and questionable door and window gaskets on old cars, parking them outside just doesn't work.
You're going to have move $hit around anyway, why not move it into one of these portable garages?
ShelterLogic Garage-in-a-Box Compact 12 ft. x 16 ft. 8 ft. Peak Style Garage, Gray - For Life Out Here
Bernica, granted it's not a caster with a 2,500 lbs of car to support, but you can leave 300, 400, 500 lbs of barbell and plates for days and no indentations are made to those horse stall mats.