Hi Ben.
I visited Marks shop just prior to Easter, from his pictures on Facebook, I assumed he was a one man show, but he actually employees 2 other craftsman that work there with him.
So its not a case of moving one man between multiple jobs.
When I called in, I think I counted 6-7 cars on the go in the building.So what looks like a bit here and a bit there, is more likely what work one guy did this week, what work that guy did that week etc.
Originally Posted by Modena
Can I ask what may be a dumb question, but watching him on Facebook it looks he is too'ing and fro'ing between several projects. It seems to me like this one in particular needs just his time, I mean i'ts not like he would be waiting for parts....so why doesn't he just focus on one thing and finish that?
not having a dig, just wondered.
BTW it looks awesome
Cruising in 5th
Never be afraid to do something new, Remember, Amateurs built the Ark: Professionals built the Titanic.