Originally Posted by spookypt
I think with what Andrew might be doing is using his existing windscreen?? This seems to be how most HT's are fitted. For mine I have A frames as part of the hard top so that part will be different but Im keen to see how the top fits to the CR. really keen to see how it affixes to/through the body.
Is it a Mr Bruce or other??? Same as Gavs?
Yep he same as Gavs although I did extend the back a bit to give a more gradual taper towards the trunk.
The hinges had me stumped initially, as your typical large hoopy internal ones encroached into the cabin too much. Finally settled on some old mini external trunk hinges that are not too big and came in a cast aluminium I can just scotchbrite to match the rest of the car.
I wanted a handle at the rear to match the trunk so think Ill get this setup:
Mounting - Im planning a metal strip with over centre latches at the front like a soft top (Gavs idea) and ferrules through the body into the trunk with a little stand off, and another one through the cockpit edge near the door. The top came as bare fibreglass and Im making a tubular frame for the hatch that will be galssed in as well as glassing in at least 8 more brakets\plates for the mounting points, the hines and the latch strikers. Its a bit of work and a real winter job.
Ill get some pics when Ive made some decent progress.