Originally Posted by Gasdoc
I guess I'll call Peter again on Monday and get a sample of his synthetic carpet and see if I can get a sample of Wilton wool sent to me from some where. I just spent way too much time reading that 5 page thread where you guys had this discussion before Lippy settled on the wool. I even spent 2 minutes watching the video Patrickt put up of the girl with the purple nails showing how bugs were eating the wool rug!
I saw where some folks are installing Cool It or Dynamat under their carpet. Is this worth it for heat or noise?
Patrickt - I like your electric mods, I may try them, especially the radiator fan mod. Do you think the TKO Neutral Safety Switch is worthwhile? Many others do this?
I almost went with the Wilton wool when I re-carpeted, but opted for a high-end Mercedes carpet instead. Very nice and you can bend it in half and still not see the backing. Did not use the Dynamat...didn't see the point. Maybe if it was an enclosed car...
And yes, Patrick is correct about the re-wiring. When all those fans kick on it's a BIG slam-surge that can be hard on even big wires, parts and fuses.