Originally Posted by ZOERA-SC7XX
Once you know the manufacturer, you can most likely buy new sidepipes and mufflers. The car looks pretty good from the one photo. Just clean it up, make sure it's safe and drive the spit out of it.
The manufacturer is Arntz, the sidepipes fitted are not the ones that generally came with an arntz. If they are a slip fit, then Lee from Haynes hot rods may have what you want, otherwise there are a number of options.
If the primaries are rusted through (or perhaps surface rust only) then the muffled can be cut out and a new one welded in.
Go nuts with pics, then we can see more and you will get plenty of suggestions.
Overall, looks like a clean car, enjoy and drive the snot out of it. Maybe drop some coin on tyres with some grip...... This is not a safety suggestion, but a safety direction.