Not Ranked
A really casual track day would be one where you don't exceed 30mph LOL
The new guy in the pit next to me said "you can tell the ones who have had a crash." When I asked why, he said "you have all the safety gear. I've had the upside-down experience once and survived it with a crushed arm, so here goes:
1. Wrist restraints
2. HANS device
3. 2010 or later Snell rated helmet
4. 5-point belt setup, not 4, not over a few years old (the sun eats them)
5. fire retardant driving suit, not the top one, but a decent one. Lightweight is OK.
6. fire retardant shoes
7. a good pair of racing gloves
8. Wrist restraints
9. Roll bar at least a couple of inches above your tightly strapped in head+helmet
10. wrist restraints
Not sure about the steering wheel; if you are strapped in sufficiently the present wheel is probably OK. Same for the seat - as long as the belts are tight enough, a low seat is probably OK. I have the "original style" low seats and they are fine.
BTW, one way to tell if the belts are tight enough is to try to inhale. If you are able to inhale, they're not tight enough LOL
And don't forget the wrist restraints...
Hope this helps,
Wells's law of engine size: If it matters what gear you're in, the engine's too small!
Last edited by Tom Wells; 07-02-2016 at 03:21 PM..