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Old 07-09-2016, 09:35 AM
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Yes, you are correct that I don't have a forward frame mount- what you probably saw were the O2 sensors for my FI...

Mine has not broken a rear bracket (yet), but then again, my 302 makes 300 LbFt. of torque at the rear wheels, while your stroker is probably putting 430+ pounds of twist at the rear wheels.

Are your motor mounts stock Ford rubber? Perhaps an upgrade to high strength polyurethane mounts will keep the driver's side from twisting so hard under high torque ?

Also - regarding the direction of the "scoops" in glasspacks - I agree with MaSnaka that directing the scoops toward the rear adds a few DB, and makes the exhaust "raspier" at lower RPM's (I tried it both ways when I first did my car- forward facing on one side, and rear facing on the other- then I took a listen and decided to go with forward facing). I don't think the scoop direction changes the WOT noise level at all, nor does the direction of the scoops impact performance in any meaningful fashion. The video I posted is with the scoops facing forward.

My last 2 cents about going with glasspacks - If you decide to go that route, then use Jones Bullets - They are cheaper than the ClassicChambered mufflers, and they are made with the same aluminized steel materials so they will last just as long; and they sound the same- a glasspack is a glasspack.

For your engine's performance level, you need a 3 inch core tube, part number A4330B (35 bucks each from Summitracing)

However- If noise control, and being a good neighbor is your primary concern (and if cost is no object) then scrap the glasspack idea altogether, and weld in a pair of Flowmaster Slimline laminar flow sidepipe mufflers (part number 13530320) - These are $200 each from SummitRacing.

They say these Slimlines supposedly stay cooler to the touch than glasspacks as well, but I'm not sure how much cooler they run.

Below is a sound clip of the Slimlines- These things are WAY quieter than glasspacks, but they still sound mean enough to let everyone know what you got. They also won't pop and sputter on deceleration as much as glasspacks or classicChambered mufflers will (some guys like the popping and suckback sound, and some guys don't).

- Robert

Last edited by moore_rb; 07-09-2016 at 09:38 AM.. Reason: typo
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