Originally Posted by FUNFER2
Nothing looks cooler in a Cobra than stacked injection. 
Yeah, well, the looks are just about ALL you are paying for with stack-style injection on a street driven car...
You pay 10 grand+, for a system that looks REALLY cool, but still only offers half the benefits that you would get with a true closed loop, mass-airflow managed port injection system (which costs half as much)....
Like this one:
FE Ford Complete Mass Air Sequential Port EFI System - Ford Complete EFI Systems - Pro-M EFI Engine Management Systems
These Pro-M systems are cool- the mass airflow sensor sits on top of the throttle body, hiding underneath your old-school style air cleaner. Add a turkey pan to cover up the fuel rails, and you would still have a "correct" vintage look (yeah, I know, not as cool looking as 8 air horns), and you get ALL the advantages of a self-calibrating, closed loop EFI system.
But hey- if coolness is what you're after, you could take that extra 5 grand that you'd save, and find a set of original magnesium Halibrands...