Originally Posted by Dimis
RK - I understand you have a sensitive BS meter. I for one like that you are geared that way, but if you've ever been interviewed you'd understand.
Some people hear just whatever they want. No matter what, or how you tell them. Then they proceed to write or post whatever there little heart desires...
There are examples even on this forum as recent as gt-gate where people take their own liberties with facts. That's why you can't trust the media cnn, bbc, or faux news You just can't put brains in bricks.
Fwiw: I'm with the SPF boys hear. No harm. No foul. Play on.
Without going back into the details, and "litigating" the matter again, let's just say I'm skeptical, and I've always been a skeptical person. I've seen "how the sausage gets made." And to continue with the metaphor, that's why I don't buy sausages.

And I've been the sole dissenting voice in a crowded room before, so I'm not going to fear going alone on matters.