Originally Posted by dhs.buckley
I know someone who had got a new Corvette stingray on club plates, as he ticked the replica item on the club reg and said it was a replica of a 60\70 stingray.
don't think its right, but the paper work lines up so why not.
AFAIK This type of action was the subject of a Vic Police submission - although I think the example they used was new vs. old Minis.
As to why not - for us in cobra land the answer is simple, it undermines the scheme and put the status of replicas under more pressure.
(I understand there are significant changes due for the Replica category)
Whoever you know that did this has acted in an extremely selfish way and to the detriment of other CPS users, I am surprised that their club would allow this action and when discovered it will have materially detrimental impact the scheme.
Also - for the OP - I think google VSI3 and VicRoads and there is a PDF
good luck