Originally Posted by Three Peaks
I'm starting to believe this was possibly a used frame at one time after seeing all the rivet holes and modifications to the frame. Was there and interior tub and/or footboxes installed at one time? I didn't notice it in the first few pics.
Okay, went back and saw it was more complete than I had originally thought. Was any of the original pieces- fender liners, tub, footboxes, trunk pieces, etc... reusable? At least the roll bars? Or is this pretty much starting from scratch.
This is starting to look an awful lot like my project. When I received my chassis, it was missing most of the birdcage, the square tubing, motor mounts, roll bar mounts, fuel tank supports, and a lot of the existing tubing had to be replaced or relocated. I can definitely appreciate all the work that is going into this project and the quality of the work and the difficulty of the locating process.
Do you have all of the control arms, uprights, shocks, and other items needed for the suspension set up? How about hood and trunk hinges?
Hi Bob
Kevin may know more on the cars history than I, but to the best of my knowledge this project had never been completed .
The only pieces to be reused will be the fiberglass foot boxes, they need a little work but will be just fine.
All the aluminum panels that were in the car are scrap, new panels will be made.
We do have all the suspension, how ever we are yet to tackle that job, I did see some issues when I disassembled the car, so these will need to be addressed.
New trunk hinges and frame will be made, I have not checked the hood yet, Kevin made the ally hood for the fiberglass body and I must say it looks great and we intend on using it in the build.
Roll bar setup is new, thanks to a good friend with an original 3k car and his generosity of allowing us to take some key measurements, the roll bar is made close to original spec.