Just ask Anthony Boosalis about his #3026 competition Cobra and how a guy at a show came to look at it with a big German Shepard on a leash. The dog tried to jump on it and raked the side of the car with his nails!

I have sat with him at shows and now he sets up his lawn chair and doesn't move all day, just keeping an eye on it.
Then, you get the guys that bring their kids and without asking permission, just drop them into your car for a pic sometimes with an ice cream in their hand. Yes, I have been through that and was standing right there next to my car and it even had a sign on it that said "do not touch". Maybe ask permission first?
No, I don't go to many anymore unless for a really good cause. Done a couple of Make a Wish things and stuff for a few charities, but that's about it.