Originally Posted by DanEC
Don't know anything about FFR pin-drives just speculating on his opinion based on my Corvette KO background. Original Corvette KOs have an adaptor secured by lug nuts separate from the KO pins. GM used long lug nuts to prevent owners from mis-indexing the wheels on the lug nuts and coming loose. It works except some people lose the long lug nuts and use standard lug nuts, mis-index a wheel and next thing they know they have one come off. It's not the best system and if you have a background in old Corvettes, it sort of gives all KOs a bad rap. For what it's worth - I've had KOs on my Corvette for 25 years and experienced one instance of finding one a little loose - but never lost one.
Alright, that's a good answer. I'm trying to remember if I've ever seen a FFR with six pin drives. I don't think I have.