Originally Posted by MHNCO
I have to say that in a thread filled with absurdities, the fact that you were selected by Ford to purchase the new Ford GT takes the cake. You know nothing about the original GT40 program nor do you even care. There is at least one individual not counting me in this thread who has forgotten more about GT40 history than you'll ever know and who was declined that opportunity by Ford. You along with Ford leadership should be ashamed as should most of your FGT brethren. I'm sure you are not and I'm also sure that Ford has alienated many people by pulling this backroom deal stunt.
Brave words from a show and shiner. You claim to be an engineer yet you miss the design problem associated with offsetting the center section of that anti roll bar. Where do you think torsion will take place, the short inner section? How about going over two wheel bumps, the center section will move fore and aft and might ground on the headers. It is a very inelegant solution to a clearance problem. A straight torsion section would have much lower stress and be a better solution.
I actually worked with many of the people that helped develop the Mark II and J car and heard quite a bit about GT40 history, especially the Riverside J car incident. One of my jobs during my tenure with Ford was chief passenger car chassis engineer where my group assisted the Benetton Formula 1 effort including active suspension design and development. That experiece helps qualify me to pass judgement on older race cars. I have raced Ford engined cars for many years and won a few championships along the way. Ford did as fair a distribution as was possible with a small number of cars available to distribute among 6500 requests. There are many very deserving people that did not get an allocation and I do feel very lucky to be given the opportunity. I am not ashamed however, because I will run the new GT at the track just like I did with my 2005. That was one of Ford Motor Companies goals to actually have the car out in public showing its capabilities. So while you are "pulling into the lot" I will be pulling onto the track. I think you have a nice replica of an historic old race car whose functionality is way out of date so you should continue driving slowly to the local car shows. I doubt you have any real driving experience so your "impressions" of GT40's capabilities would not be pertinent. I think Rod Knock is on to something, your need for having people appreciate your replica seems a bit abnormal.
You might want to seek professional help.