Originally Posted by MHNCO
PS I do hold math and engineering degrees. That may help explain the prowess I suppose.
There's a famous scene in a 1973 film called the "Paper Chase' about a Harvard Law School student. His law professor asks the young law student to come up to the front of the class. And while giving him a dime (phone calls were cheap then) tells the law student to call his mom to let her know that the law professor doesn't think law school will work out for law student.
I'm thinking you must have had one or more of those experiences in college.
"Prowess"? You never addressed 3170's comments. All we get from you is a 2nd post of the Ford GT's bumper, a bumper that allows it to be a current production vehicle that met 2005-2006 Federal safety standards. And why the SPF GT40 is a replica and only can only be purchased in kit form.