I have a question to drivers of 393w stroker motors out there. If anyone out there is running an externally balance motor I have a couple of questions.
1) Is it common that stroked windsors usually need a 28 oz. flywheel for balance. Mine did, and my builder says that it is customarily the norm.
2) With an externally balanced motor, do you still have much if any vibration in the motor. It seems to me that by saying that a 28 oz. flywheel is needed they are simply getting close to balance, and not necessarily going for perfect balance.
3) I was told that a fluid damper up from might take care of any annoying harmonic imbalance that I might have left. True or False?
4) I have 290 miles on my new motor heading for the 500 mile break-in point. I got home last night and
oil was RUNNING not dripping from my rear main seal. Man, this bums me out in a BIG way. I DO NOT want to pull the tranny again, let along the motor. CRAP. I guess I gotta do what I gotta do. Does anyone out there know off the top of their head the the rear main seal on a windsor is a push in or if it requires the pulling of the crank.
P.S. Bad news is bad enough, I hope I don't hear any really bad news.
Jim Downard