Want to thank everyone, just came to a mutual agreement on a Big Block Superformance car that was under my nose /local to me since early June listed on Cobra Country - not sure how I missed it in my search since March. Drove it over the weekend and it's night and day over this red beast (two different animals completely).
Originally Posted by mrmustang
PS: In the future, you might want to offer full disclosure as to your closeness with the seller. Otherwise, people will think that you came in here not to find out information for you and your friend, but to garner interest in a car your friends at the dealership are selling.
Wanted to address this as well. Until I drove/saw the car in person mid last week, please know I wasn't aware I knew the current sellers. I've been a (positive)part of message boards and online communities for many moons and wouldn't exploit them in such/any fashion.