Originally Posted by Buzz
I did. I created an exact trace of all of the lines and openings and superimposed it over your picture. In particular, the fender lines and wheel openings are an exact match. Once the body is lifted of the tucked up prop wheels the impression of it being a stretched wheelbase car is dramatically eliminated. I did this out of curiosity and have no stake in the outcome or what anyone chooses to believe.
I don't have a stake in it either, but did similar to you with a overlay in photoshop, and can see the differences both in the front and rear wheel arches and openings, along with the side grille opening. Top of the fenders don't quite match up either, whether I size up, or down, or stretch and shrink with both images to fit each other. I've tried it on three other known NAF's, as a side view, front nose, and tail shot. The nose is close (still off on openings), the tail does not come even close, even taking into account mounted and unmounted bodies. Just don't want someone to stumble across the thread in another 15 years from now and take it as fact that it was a NAF body when it is clearly not.
Bill S