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Old 09-30-2016, 12:17 PM
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Originally Posted by 1985 CCX View Post
Sweet little car!
Can't deny the 289....
Add mods pic etc when you get on it.....
My new tires are all mounted.

And, since the car was up on jackstands while the wheels were at the tire shop, I decided to proceed with what will likely be the only major mod on this car for the foreseeable future- I'm re-working the sidepipes so that they tuck up under the rockers (similar to the way they are oriented on ERA 289's)

One of the big selling points (to my wife) of going to a 289 style car was that the kids would not be as likely to burn their legs on the pipes. However, the pipes on Unique 289's still stick out quite a bit, so burns were still possible...

Besides, the car's exhaust note was to soft, so out came the cutters and the welder...

I should have the modifed pipes, and the wheels and tires back on the car this afternoon, and will post some pics...
- Robert
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