Great advice. Will try the socket method and clean up the lower seating area. The coolant temp and
oil temps have remained the same so has the
oil psi so I don't think it's an overheating issue but will look at that more closely.
I know the stat is working because it opens around the 180 mark, fan kicks on and the temp drops down.
The fan is functioning properly, it's pulling good air flow. The temp runs around 180-190 fans never turn on when on the highway but once I stop in traffic it turns on.
I installed a temporary recovery tank to prevent the mess.
Do you have any suggestions on a replacement radiator that is all aluminum? The one from BDR requires a little modifying from what they told me. I think the OEM is from a 3 series BMW. I don't like the plastic on that radiator, future failure potential.
Thanks for your time,