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Old 10-16-2016, 11:50 PM
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Default Grass is Greener

Sounds all so familiar, the Nationals is constantly evolving and healthy discussion will always ensure its survival.

It has come full circle, when I was involved the numbers were always well over the 100 entrant mark and that created many of its own issues, comments like militant or clinical were used to describe these events. The overwhelming demand from the community to "race" literally filled the program to a bursting point trying to accommodate everyone, program running times and down times were strictly monitored.

While we were satisfying the immediate need of the community there was a larger part that was being left behind, the show and shine with all of those issues became a popularity contest and was not given the pride of place it once had.

As a committee this was recognized and programs were put in place to offer alternatives to racing, cruises, selective event entry, pit area games etc etc. However it was never really supported and if I may be blunt the NON racers almost actively boycotted the event.....and to really throw stones as the focus was on how fast you can go and not how good you looked meant some of the Roosters found there was no room on the perch for them.

While the racing was well supported it was in my opinion rotting from the inside. Unfortunately we have had a few track incidents that saw many cars damaged and thankfully on minor injuries. This I feel was a major turning point for the Nationals. To be straight to the point the times got lower the risks were growing and the safety was ridiculously inadequate. It was a dangerous situation with a group of very good talented racers pushed the boundaries on performance like never before. novices like my self were pushed to way beyond skill levels to try to compete, all being swept up in this fierce competition.

Eventually, like myself one day you just say to your self what the **** am I doing and the brakes come on and the racing is over. I feel this is one of the real factors affecting numbers.

Not to put anyone down or to be critical, as someone has mentioned you always need to remember the people spending the time preparing and organizing the Nationals are Volunteers and to find this time is not easy. In the time I was president to get the Nations supported like they were was not a chance thing, many people worked very hard for a very long time creating a product that would make people want to come and they did. In hindsight it was not sustainable and burnt me and most of the committee out in a couple of years, but its what is needed. I am not saying more effort needs to be put in the opposite actually what can be done with a reasonable amount of work is the real question.

I suppose i haven't offered any real suggestions maybe thrown a few stones, however its just crazy while I was President we discussed cutting off entrant numbers to something more manageable and fun, and now you are working on ways to go back to that.

Just my thoughts......really miss the nationals

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