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For those interested in where we are currently at, the NSW Cobra Nationals Race committee had an event review meeting last night with the focus on looking at improvements for 2017.
Before this meeting, I have had input from both Wazza and Stiffy (QLD and VIC Presidents) on what changes we could make for next years event. I have also invited input from the Melbourne Cobra Car Club, which they have said they will give me in the next week or so. I have also been following this thread with interest to get a feel for where we would like to go.
The discussion last night within the committee confirmed that we are open to making changes to the event although we did acknowledge (as I have stated earlier in this thread) that major structural changes to the event also involve an element of risk if not successful. Some of the focus for next year will include shifting the balance a little toward the social, cruise, show and shine aspects that our clubs enjoy.
Tenrocca has created a Cobra Nationals survey that will shortly be posted on the form as well as many other places. We are inviting everyone interested to complete this survey by the end of October. We will then be reviewing this data at our next scheduled club meeting at the start of November.
We will then put an updated framework together for the event in consultation with the other east coast club presidents.
I would like to thank everyone for their interest in the event and their input so far. This all helps to guide us in improving the event for 2017.