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I too had the same problem. I purchased a Superformance from Minnesota with 2002 title. And live near Moravia, NY. After all the paperwork and Syracuse DMV inspectors.
After about 3 weeks I received paper work in the mail that I could register my Superformane as a 2002 Custom and when I went in to get it inspected it was put in at 8500 lbs to fool the computer. As a Custom it is exempt form emissions. Once you get it inspected just keep taking it back to the same inspector with the paper work that thy will give you. I have had my Superformance inspected for 3 years now and have not had a issue. I have even taken it to a different inspection station and once I showed the paperwork from the last inspection they knew what to do.
Good luck...
Last edited by snapier; 10-25-2016 at 06:32 AM..