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Jim, Normally cost is the big factor in balancing an engine. Since the stock crank is an externally balanced part there isn't as much heavy metal needed to bring in within specs. It doesn't seem to matter much which way an engine is balanced just that it is done properly. I need to know more detail on your engine. Which type piston and the mfg and number. Also rocker system (roller, ratio). What brand of crank was used. It would also be nice to know how far the piston sits in the hole if you have that number. The cam you have doesn't sound like much for the rest of the engine. If you take the parts to a local shop it usually runs about $200 to balance everything. It sounds fair that the builder would at least send you parts to put it back together. The vibration you have at 1500 to 2000 does sound like a balance problem but it's not always in the motor. If the shop didn't use your flywheel and harmonic balancer to do the rotating balance the problem could be with either of those parts. If it's a stock windsor balancer from the old engine they have been known to spin out of balance on the isomer band. I have also seen people use a 50oz flywheel by mistake which creates quite a vibration