Originally Posted by Karl Bebout
"Paint it yourself.... "
Ask Superstition Bill about how well that goes....HA
RB, not everyone has your rattle can skills.
Danr, Browns don't paint. They farm the job out. (if you mean the "Browns" where Charlie works)
Superstition Bill's car has a perfectly fine paint job on it - It's just not finished yet. A lot of guys think that laying the paint down and letting it dry is the last step, when in reality, you are only about 70% done at that point....
My rattle can skillz got nuthin on my mojo with an HVLP gun...
HOWEVER- The secret to a smooth, deep, shiny looking paint job has nothing to do with spraying (at all), and has everything to do with a little bit of critical knowledge about materials compatibility (this is especially important with fiberglass cars) and how to properly sand a car (yes, there are very specific techniques to proper sanding)...
Sanding? oh yeah- A whole
lot of sanding, masking, spraying, rubbing, buffing, sweating, cursing, and caffeine... Lots of caffeine...
But when it's done.... Hey, it's DONE, baby...:
Paint it yourself, Todd... The difference is about $1500, versus $6000, and that extra $4500 is nothing but paying someone else to spend their time sanding, masking, spraying, sanding, rubbing, buffing, sweating, and cursing...
You built your car. Why not take it all the way, and own 100% of the accomplishment?
HOWEVER, don't paint it black.... Only an IDIOT would attempt to put an OEM quality black paintjob on his own car, in his garage....
Now, all of that being said- The best way to get your car painted by someone else (IMHO) is to hang around the paint shops you mentioned above around quitting time, and ask the guys if any of them are interested in a side-job. Most of the paint and body guys I know like taking side-jobs for cash, and they will do the same job, for a lot less than the $80-$100 per hour that the shop is going to charge you.
You can also add these guys to your list (if you insist on going the more expensive route):
AZ Street Custom | Body Shop | Phoenix
All of this is JMHO(s)...