Originally Posted by Danr55
So it goes in looking like an unpainted cobra and comes out looking like a corvette?
Haha no... But you can send it to Jeff Classic's shop, and have the exact opposite take place... (Corvette in, Cobra out

and, to be 100% fair - painting a car SUCKS- especially a fiberglass one. Actually, the sanding sucks, the painting is the 4 hours of fun that takes place right in the middle of the 300 hour suck-fest - the rest totally blows.....
The more I think about how bad it sucks, the more I think you should ignore everything I posted above, and just pay someone the $6500, hahahah
Ron makes an excellent point about solid versus metallic. Metallics require much more mastery with the gun, because runs don't just sand out with a metallic color the way they do with solids.