Originally Posted by guye
.. It means you can add and remove sunglasses with a flick of a knob on the side of your head!...
I was part of a team, again back in the 70s, who researched the death of 120 motorcyclists in a one year period. We correlated damage to the helmet with injuries sustained. A great number of riders sustained fatal neck injuries when protrusions on their helmet jagged against something whilst they were rolling along the ground. We recommended helmets be 'bowling ball' shaped. Within a few months the Police were issued with those BMW flip-up jaw piece helmets with multiple protrusions because... wait for it... they 'looked cool - just like the guys on CHIPS' - ignoring all our recommendations
Originally Posted by jcraigau
I always wonder about the 2 cylinder bilge pump brigade, tatted to the hilt, wearing their "colours" with no helmet screaming through traffic.
I guess if you don't have anything to protect, you don't need a helmet!
Originally Posted by Bartruff1
My preference is none...
Another piece of research discovered that 'Bikies' shouldn't be required to wear helmets as their anti-social behaviour and custodial terms were harmful to the public and a drain on resources. Basically, a 'Bikie' fatality was a plus for the community. No politician ever ran with such legislation and the research was never published.