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Old 11-08-2016, 06:13 AM
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Originally Posted by moore_rb View Post
I'm not sure I'm going on the Bisbee run.

My car left my daughter and me stranded at the taco shop near my house this past Saturday night after a 40 mile drive (normal crank and fuel, but no spark), and I ended up having to call Hagerty for a tow home. On Sunday morning, after sitting overnight, it fired right back up.

My ohmmeter says the coil is suspicious, and my #3 plug wire gave me some weird, inconsistent resistance readings too... So I'm going to swap the coil and plug wires and cross my fingers.

But part of me still harbors a nagging suspicion that the controller in my MSD 8352 distributor might also have been a factor (I've got a post out on the MSD troubleshooting forum- we'll see what they have to say.)

So, if I do get it back up and running again this week, a half day turnaround trip to Payson might be a better idea to shake it out, instead of a 500+ mile, full weekend trip.

We'll see...
I had this distributor go bad on me. I don't think all of that heat is a happy place for the electronics inside. I ended up converting it to a separate controller and putting just a pick up in the distributor. Just a thought.
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