I use K&N products on my replica as well as my "standard" cars. I like the $$ that I save over the lifetime of the car compared to replacing the air filter every 10K miles...I don't mind the mess of cleaning and re-oiling them. On my replica I had a problem getting enough air into the engine and so I used one of the K&N X-Stream filter kits---those have filter capacity built into the lid of the air cleaner, too. The factory filter was too tall and the hood contacted the top of the air filter under acceleration, so I went to K&N's web site and used the "shape & size" search function. It turns out that the K&N filter for a Toyota Camry was exactly the height I needed and I now have 1/4" between the air cleaner and the underneath of my scoop.
I highly recommend K&N's products...just wish I had enough room to run a taller filter!