Originally Posted by Barry_R
But out of the FE block suppliers - Side Oiler Garage (former Genesis), Pond, Shelby, Dove, BBM - none of them have a block to ship.
It begs the question. Why isn't there a single new FE block anywhere? Was there a run of purchases (demand outstripped supply) and sellers were caught off guard? Are there manufacturing problems at every foundry? Or are the foundries really not interested in making 50-100 blocks per year when they have other larger orders that are higher priority because of size and fixed contracts.
From Brent's remarks, the lack of blocks has been a year long problem. These really are just rhetorical questions, but if I were building a Cobra, Mustang, Fairlane, I'd be a little upset because 352's, 390's, 427's and 428's just wouldn't do it for me at the prices these engines sell for.