Originally Posted by lovehamr
Considering BDRs already have a removable cross brace and they seem to do fine racing I'd have to question the validity of the factory fear mongering.
Because it is a different frame design. There are Superformance MK IIIs racing also (see Olthoff) but they have not cut out the crossmember. agian our MK II 289s have a removable member but they WERE DESIGNED THAT WAY.
On an E type Jag you must pull the engine to do a clutch. Flat rate is ten hours plus. A local dealer here used to do in three hours. How? They cut the frame member out and then tack welded it. They got away with it for a long time until one customer had his tranny fall out going over a set of railroad tracks. Just because you CAN do something doesn't mean you SHOULD!