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Old 11-30-2016, 01:41 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Adelaide, SA
Cobra Make, Engine: AP 289FIA 'English' spec.
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Default AP F289 Build log 'stage 2'

AP F289 build thread

My car, AP F289, finally arrived a few weeks ago as a painted “rolling/steering” chassis/body.

It took two and a half years - there was significant development work involved in taking one of Bruce Chervenak’s very good FIA rear clips and a roadster front clip up to the standard where AP could use it to produce a quality splash mould for subsequent FIA replicas. Craig White’s guys have done an excellent job in producing a top quality FIA replica.

One of the cars that have given me ideas and inspiration for my build is COB6008.
It is one of the few original Cobras that left the AC factory with FIA rear flares and cut-back doors as part of their original build spec., and it may well be the only ‘cut-back doors’ car to also have RHD and drop-centre dash.

My car and its boxes of bits came by road and rail from Queensland to Adelaide. Anglia Containers did the job and get full marks from me.
Watching that container tilt close to 30 degrees before it overcame friction was unnerving….

All good inside….

Now the fun bit starts.


Last edited by xb-60; 10-06-2023 at 10:43 PM.. Reason: Replacing Photobucket pictures
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