In the time I lived in Detroit prior to 1969 I would drive to Dearborn and visit a
PR man from Ford who would announce "I am going to lunch, and you can have whatever you find here." So I would go for the Ford photo files and look for GT40 stuff. I also met the head photographer who was trying to save the LeMans shots, a stack 7 feet tall but his bosses wanted to throw them away. So long story short, I am willing to sell the whole pile to a historian, but don't want to endure a selection picture by picture, in essence cherry picking. You either bid on a briefcase full of pictures (I will lay them out in a rough pile and take an eerial picture) or you don't. I think you can get them from Ford but believe it or not a Ford
PR man told me they had a water leak and many pictures, negatives, and their means of recording what picture is what number have been lost. So good luck on that. Minimum bid? I am thinking $3000 cash which considering the value of real GT40s is pocket change. Interested parties can reach me at No brokers, just collectors please!