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Guys, I/we've discussed this topic many times before.
You're going by the strict definition of the word "replica" which would mean an exact copy. Unfortunately no Cobra replica is an exact copy of the original. For example, the Kirkham body missed many details of the original body on purpose.
As much as we want to copy the original, our replicas will never be an exact copy and that's OK. I just believe finding original parts and sticking them on a replica is waste of time. But if you want to find that OEM dash knob or fuse box, go ahead, but if I'm buying a replica that has a date coded side oiler I'd actually pay less for it knowing that a Pond or Shelby block is a modern part that performs better, as one example.
I understand "original-ism". I have a Porsche too and the radio doesn't work. So I'm going to repair the radio or find one just like it, instead of buying a modern radio that performs better. But the car is a real Porsche made in Germany not a replica.