Originally Posted by Jethrow
Hi all.
Just playing devil's advocate for a sec, I find it a little peculiar in that a review of this event, brought about by lower than ideal attendance, would find that nothing significant needs to change.
Seems you have run a circular arguement, and got a finding in reality that says, those who attended last time are likely to do so again. But, if the quest was for greater attendance, you surely cannot expect to do the same thing and get a different result.
Einstein had words to say about that.
Just a thought is all
If the NSWCC details exactly what they want the event to be and its perimeters then I guess we can quantify the best process to achieve it.
If more attendees is not what they want they need then no need to travel down that path to increase it. There going to be an action and opposite reaction to whatever is decided.
As I mentioned in my other topic there seems to be a lot more commentary on other website mediums these days so perhaps lots going on outside CC circles.
Whatever they decide Im hoping to be able to support its attendance in 2017.