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Thanks guys, should have guessed this CSX's history was already well documented, but car is new to me and recently appeared for sale over here....yet again it now seems.
For most of us, it seems it's not so bad when some unsuspecting rich guys gets turned over, but I still don't like it. I'm not saying dealer is dishonest, I don't think he's concealing anything, but asking $500,000 for a replica on a rebuilt old, damaged, should have been scrapped chassis, with not even the right number to accompany it, seems to confer there's something incredibly special about this car. The thing is that some people aren't life long enthusiasts, don't have all the necessary knowledge and rely on the dealer to guide them. This car has done the rounds of several dealers in the UK, then seems to have diasappeared without ever appearing on their sold inventory. Now it's reappeared with the number plate changed......when I bought my MK IV, a car I was knowledgeable about, the dealer also had this car for sale at what was then $800k. They dropped it when the truth became apparent, or at least that's what they said.