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You have tremendous skill. Even the best hit a wall sometimes. Step away from it for a couple of days, regroup and you will figure it out.
Post some pictures of what you have, describe the problem and I am sure that there are people on the site who can point things out to you.
I have done a lot of consulting over the years and I have found that a lot of the times the solutions that I suggest to people are not earth shattering, or things that they could not have figured out themselves. Sometimes we just get frustrated and get narrow in our thought process.
I have been frustrated with an issue at times, and then in the middle of the night it comes to me when I am not thinking of it.
Tip a cold one/sip some wine/enjoy some good bourbon or all of the above. Give it a little bit of a rest and it will come to you.
Last edited by 1795; 01-15-2017 at 06:20 PM..
Reason: spelling