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Old 01-20-2017, 04:56 PM
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Jake Jake is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Puyallup Wa., wa.
Cobra Make, Engine: Superformance Cobra #1628, Coast Performance Stroker 427W Ford 520HP/535FT.TQ, Blue with white stripes
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As a side note, these are the requirements for crossing and returning back across the border:

If you plan on joining the cruise you'll need one of the following to cross the border and return to the U.S.

The documents U.S. Citizens need to visit Canada and to return home:
US citizens can no longer cross the border, back into the US, from Canada, using only a driver's licence and birth certificate.
- U.S. Passport or
- NEXUS or FAST card (pre-approved low risk travellers only) or
- U.S. Passport Card or
- Enhanced driver's licence (EDL) (available in MI, NY, VT, WA.
If your going to dream, dream big!
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